Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Personal Writing

Our aim this week is to try and connect with our reader when we are writing and to try and get a connection or reponse from them through our descriptions. Read some of these fabulous pieces of writing about our most hated or loved food. Tell us how they make you react...

I don't like peas. They're gross. They're horrible. They're just yuck.
Usually I play with them. I squeeze them so hard their guts go flying out. Well... it's not really their guts but it tatses like it. Once it hit my cousin in the face. We just laughed. I also think that they look like snot balls or beetle tummies or just plain mush. Peas are absolutely disgusting.

By Texas

I love it. Just simply, love it how my mum towers the cheese on top of my spaghetti bolonaise. It gurgles down my throat when I swallow it. I shovel it into my mouth all the time. My mum always tells me to make sure my plate is clean. After 5 minutes it is all gone. My mum says "Stop slurping that down your throat!"
My family are pigs!

By Ashlee

Besketty bobanase (Spaghetti Bolognaise) is the best taste with cheese mountains on top then it melts into the meat as I slurp the pasta into my mouth. Besketty, besketty I love that besketty taste. Do you too?

By Georgia

Tomatoes, yuck!

I never ever ever ever eat tomatoes. Tomatoes are horrible, discusting, poisonous red balls. I will never eat tomatoes. Do not give me tomatoes because I always throw the tomatoes out the window.

By John


Anonymous said...

I hate peas as well.

Anonymous said...

I like the way the spaghetti bolognese pasta slurps and flicks as I suck it into my mouth.

Anonymous said...

I love the writing guys

(and girls)


Anonymous said...

Very very cool stories room 15. I love looking at your blog. Miss Ryan has done an awesmone job of putting this together for you.
Whaea Tracey

Anonymous said...

Hi really enjoyed reading your thoughts on food. Well done room 15

Mrs Hopkins said...

Hello Room 15

Great thoughts on food. I enjoyed reading them. I remember when I was a child, my Mother MADE me eat swedes and I hated them. I have cooked them as an adult but I mashed them with butter, pepper and salt and I ate two tablespoons. And guess what? They weren't as horrible as I thought they would be.

From Mrs Hopkins

Anonymous said...

I am left absolutely speechless!
I had no idea that you hated tomatoes when you are so fond of
tomato sauce!

John's Gran

Anonymous said...

To Texas, your a funny writer. We enjoyed the oart about the guts flying out of the peas...well done!