Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Check out our entries into the school digital photography competition. We entered into the manipulated images category


Mr James said...

Hi we just got your comment. Thanks for looking at our blog. Jonty and Room 9 at St Mary's Catholic School.

We want to know: Do you have an activboard?
Check out the games we have on our blog , they're good fun.
Do you have any other games you could share with us?

Simon Sparkes Builder said...

Wow Room 15! Fantastic creations of manipulating photo's. You guys are all AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

Kia ora Room 15, I have just started looking but wanted to write a comment straight away. You guys are really inspiring me!!!

From Mrs Thomas

Desert Kiwi said...

Hi Room 15. I love following your blog and seeing what you get up to. Your digital image manipulations are outstanding. What a clever bunch you are. Thank you for sharing your work.